Andrew's Pet Page
Hi, I'm Andrew Watts and this page is designed to tell others about my pets. I
was born on March 1, 1979 and I've loved animals all my life. I've had mice,
rats, gerbils, and hamsters as pets in my early teens. My favorites are
creatures not normally considered as pets: squirrels. I have 5 flying squirrels,
1 prairie dog, and 2 ground squirrels. I used to have several hamsters, gerbils and rats. I have also had other prairie dogs, ground squirrels, and flying squirrels in the past that I still miss. Note that I refer to myself as the guardian of my pets rather than the owner.
I have had 2 species of ground squirrel; thirteen-lined and Richardson. Ground squirrels are not the kind of squirrels that climb trees and burying nuts in your yard. Gray and fox squirrels are tree squirrels, and they are the ones often found in urban areas and neighborhoods.
What I want but I don't currently have: chipmunks, any other type
of squirrel, chinchillas, degus, African pygmy hedgehogs. I'm also open-minded to keeping larger animals as well.
Click on the following pets:
My Flying Squirrels - Featuring Avellana*, Caramel, Nibbles, Orchid, Plumeria*, Rakita, and Scalisti, Vanilla*.
My Prairie Dogs - Featuring Bailey, Beauty*, Chaba, Mancha, and Sadie*.
My Ground Squirrels - About Rikki*, Chuzzlewit*, Nina*, Fenwick, and Ariel. (Site under construction.)
Browntail - A wild gray squirrel (A UF campus squirrel who was my friend for over a year [1999-2000])
Gerbils - My gerbils (no longer have these)
Rats - My rats (no longer have these either)
* = deceased
I'm not the only person who has squirrels as pets. Here's a list of pets
(squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs, etc.) and their profiles:
Pet Profiles A-L
Pet Profiles M-Z
Tanya's pets
My voting booths:
Vote for your favorite pet squirrel name
What is your attitude about Wildlife and Nature?
Useful Links:
Please read to understand rodents. - I wrote this to educate the public because of the paranoia people have about rodents.
List of dealers who sell pet squirrels - The long awaited link; I've gotten too many requests for this to count.
If you're looking for a guestbook or email address, please visit my Main Page and read about me.
I moved my photo cube to another page because it takes forever for it to load on some browsers.
Ebay Store
My eBay Store - Help support my pets by shopping at my store. My feedback rating is 100%. If this link doesn't work, Click Here.
This The Exotic Pet Ring site owned by Andrew Watts.
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