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Name: Alexander
Sex: Male
Kind: Gray Squirrel
Home: PA
Life History: Acquired as a baby by his squirrel loving owner.
Physical Description and Personality: Cute.
Owner: Sue Williams
Name: Alveria
Sex: Female
Kind: Chipmunk
Home: England
Life History: Sold to owner by a pet dealer. The daughter of Chip
and Dale.
Physical Description and Personality: Cute.
Owner: Neil
Name: Angele
Sex: Female
Kind: Gray Squirrel
Home: Columbus, OH
Life History: Angele almost lost her rights to be owned when the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources came to her place and said that she should
be let out into the wild. The court approved for her owner to keep her.
Physical Description and Personality: Happy to be back with her
Owner: Mary Jane Clifton
Name: Benji
Sex: Male
Kind: Flying Squirrel
Home: Hollywood, Fl
Life History: Shipped from Texas at 6 weeks. Bonded right away and
very sweet and loving. He is now about 18 months old and is still a loving pet.
Physical Description and Personality: Benji loves to run up to his
owner's neck and nibble her ears! Just little love nips! Never hurts. He loves
to look right in her face and will use his little hands to turn her head to
look at him.
Owner: Lynn
Name: Bonnie
Sex: Female
Kind: Prairie Dog
Home: Near Raleigh, ND
Life History: Came from a pet shop.
Physical Description and Personality: Typical looking Prairie Dog,
brownish colored with black tails and really cute face. According to owner,
spoiled rotten!!!!!!
Owner: unknown
Name: "Boo-Boo"
Sex: Male
Kind: Gray Squirrel
Home: Florida
Life History: "Boo-Boo" is a Florida grey squirrel. He was orphaned
when his nest fell from its tree when he was one (1) day old. Today, he's 10
years old, and that's pretty old for a squirrel. He sustained some
neurological damage from the fall, and due to impaired motor skills, couldn't
be returned to the wild. Therefore, "Boo-Boo" became a special member of a
family. "Boo-Boo" has become an Official Squirrel Ambassador, meeting people
from all walks of life. He travels with his owners on
vacation, and has been through eleven (11) states so far. When people meet
Ambassador "Boo-Boo", they always ask questions. This gives an opportunity for
his owners to share information about squirrels and what to do with orphaned
squirrels. "Boo-Boo" has his own business cards, has published his own
calendar, and had his picture taken with Santa Claus. He was voted Eclipse
Magazine's first "Pet of the Month", was the only non-human participant in the
1996 Annual Run for the Turtles, and recently received a certificate from the
Disabled American Veterans as a Commander's Club Gold Leader. On July 4, 1996,
the Sarasota Herald-Tribune published "Boo-Boo"'s picture and an article about
him in their newspaper. In September of 1996, "Boo-Boo" became a Florida
corporation. "Boo-Boo" Inc. is the name of his corporation. Among other
ventures, his corporation has a Wrecker/Towing Service with "Boo-Boo"'s picture
on the doors of the tow truck. "Boo-Boo" is the V.P. of Public Relations for his
corporation. "Boo-Boo"'s health care needs are taken care of by his personal
physicians, Dr. Janet Whitlock, Beneva Animal Hospital, and Dr. M.A. Salisbury,
Animal Eye Care. With their help and by the grace of God, "Boo-Boo" celebrated
his nineth (9th) birthday October 26, 1997.
Physical Description/Personality: He is spoiled rotten, the joy of
our lives and one "Special Little Guy". "Boo-Boo" is an accomplished sculpor.
Out of whole walnut shells he has chiseled with his teeth: a basket with
handle, 4 hanging chairs, and the letter "C" (the beginning letter of his last
name). Out of a whole almond shell, he chiseled a cornucopia (horn-of-plenty).
And out of a Tums he made a finger ring (about a size 4). "Boo-Boo" also has
his own web site
with pictures.
Owner: Boo-Boo
Name: Busen
Sex: Male
Kind: Prevost's squirrel
Home: Marieholm, Sweden
Life History: He is about 3 years old as of Jan. 1999. Daniel bought
him July of 1997 from a guy who bought him from someone else.
Physical Description and Personality: He is 35-40 cm long, half of
it is tail. Head, back and tail is black. Frontlegs, underneath and inside of
the backlegs is red-brown. And the outside of the backlegs and little of the
side is white.
Owner: Daniel
Name: Cardamom
Sex: Male
Kind: Flying squirrel
Home: Universal City TX
Life History: adopted as an adolescent animal from people who did
not want them anymore.
Physical Description and Personality: Really cute & adorable, but
not tame.
Name: Charley
Sex: Male
Kind: Gray squirrel
Home: Tampa, FL
Life History: Born 1992; Found on ground before eyes were open.
Raise on bottle. Lives in house with owner.
Physical Description/Personality: Very sweet and loving, likes to be
Owner: Kathleen Hall
Name: Charlie
Sex: Male
Kind: Southern Flying Squirrel
Home: Bookline, MA
Life History: Born in TX, Came to owner at 5/1/2 weeks.
Physical Description and Personality: There are no words to describe
how cute he is, so check it out for yourself at Charlie's Web Site
Owner: Jill Warnick
Name: Chatters
Sex: Female
Kind: Gray Squirrel
Life History: A friend of the owners found her when she was a baby
laying on the ground in the middle of nowhere in there yard. She called them not
knowing what to do with it. needless to say she ending up coming to live with
the owners, who raised her feeding her around the clock with an eye dropper till
she was old enough to eat on her own. They thought she was a male at first but
now that she's older we can tell she's really a she :).
Physical Description and Personality: She is full size now, just a
plan grey squirrel, has a large cage but is only in it when not being watched.
She runs loose in owner's room most the time :). She's really friendly, loves to
run all over you and give you kisses, she'll eat out of your hand and even play
with you. The only problem the owners have with her is her claws..she scratches
alot, but they're used to it by now. When we
took chatters we intended to rehab her back to the wild, but she just seems so
happy with her owners. Their plan is to wait till they move into a bigger house
with lots of woods around them, then rehab him there were she can still come in
the house if she wants..and still has a warm bed in the yard that she can sleep
in, plus will leave her food out at all times. But it'll be awhile for that
because it takes a couple months to rehab squirrels into the wild. But for now
she's a friendly/happy girl and is fine where she is.
Owner: Jamie
Name: Chip
Sex: Female
Kind: Chipmunk
Home: England
Life History: Sold to owner by a pet dealer. The wife of Dale and
the mom of Alveria.
Physical Description and Personality: Cute.
Owner: Neil Mycroft
Name: Chipper
Sex: Male
Kind: Prairie Dog
Life History: was born 1995.
Physical Description: he weighs half a pound, he is very lovable
but can have a temper he runs around with the dogs and loves to play with them.
Name: Clyde
Sex: Male
Kind: Prairie Dog
Home: Near Raleigh, ND
Life History: came from a pet shop.
Physical Description and Personality: Typical looking PD, brownish
colored with black tail and really cute face. According to owner, spoiled
Owner: unknown
Name: Coriander
Sex: Female
Kind: Flying squirrel
Home: Universal City TX
Life History: adopted as an adolescent animal from people who did
not want them anymore.
Physical Description and Personality: Really cute & adorable, but
not tame.
Owner: Tori
Name: Dale
Sex: Male
Kind: Chipmunk
Home: England
Life History: Sold to owner by a pet dealer. The husband of Chip and
the dad of Alveria.
Physical Description and Personality: Cute.
Owner: Neil Mycroft
Name: Dewey
Sex: Male
Kind: Gray Squirrel
Home: Houston, TX
Life History: Rescued and brought up as an orphan who fell from a
sweet-gum tree 1993
Physical Description and Personality: Fat, Happy, Active
Name: Digger
Sex: Female
Kind: black-tailed prairie dog
Home: (yet to be updated)
Life History: She was vaccuumed from a burrow in Oklahoma as a pup
last year. Her owner got her in May (1997), spayed her in August, and she had
surgery for adhesions in December. It was touch and go for a while, but she has
fully recovered. She was a wild little PD when her owner first got her, but she
tamed quickly.
Physical Description and Personality: She is a little sweetheart--
she loves to be cuddled and cooed to--but her nesting and burrowing instincts
are very strong, so she has to closely be supervised when she's out and about.
She chews on everything. She comes when she's called.
Owner: Cindy
Name: Flyer
Sex: Female
Kind: Southern Flying Squirrel
Home: West Monroe, Louisiana
Life History: She was blown out of a hidden nest as a baby, about 3
- 4 months old. She came home with her owner and has pretty much stayed.
She's always been pretty tame and friendly. She lives in a large habatrail
that allows her lots of climbing opportunities, but few gliding, so every night
for a few hours she is let out of her cage to "play" She will fuss at you when
you try to put her up too!
Physical Description and Personality: The owner is not quite sure
she's female...she's not a year old yet so the jury is still out *S* She is
small, only a few ounces. She looks like a flying squirrel should. She has a
wonderfully curious personality. She is friendly and seems happy
enough. She loves to jump from one person to another and to bury her treats in
my sofa cusions for later snacking.
Owner: Jennifer
Name: Frisky
Sex: Male
Kind: Prairie dog
Home: Library, PA
Life History: Has had a history of nibbling on the fingers of a
iguana named Ace. He also tears clothes.
Physical Description and Personality: Brindle, black almond-shaped
eyes, little ears behind eyes, black whiskers and eyebrows.
Owner: Lisa
Name: Hazel
Sex: Female
Kind: Japanese squirrel
Home: Bangkok, Thailand
Life History: She was found as a baby. She had fallen off a tree and
couldn't walk. Her owner took her in. She was born January of 1997.
Physical Description/Personality: She is dementedly friendly and
never bites except when she's playing. Even then, it does'nt hurt. However, she
did bite her owner's mom once, but it was an accident. She is currently VERY
Name: Hercules
Sex: Male
Kind: African Ground Squirrel
Home: Home: Springfield, MO
Life History: His life isn't horribly exciting except... He has broken his pinky. His hobby is running away (and he's real good at that). And the she turned out to be a he.
Physical Description and Personality: He's very cute, but a
bit aloof
Owner:Nick Ramsey
Name: Ito
Sex: Female
Kind: Southern flying squirrel
Home: St. Louis
Life History: Ito is from from a wild population as an injured
Physical Description and Personality:Ito seems to have epilepsy
(probably due to
head trauma when she fell onto concrete from her nest tree).
Owner: Dr. Debra Plahn
Name: Jadzia
Sex: Female
Kind: Southern Flying Squirrel
Home: St. Louis
Life History: 6 months old from a breeder in Texas.
Physical Description and Personality: healthy
Owner: Dr. Debra Plahn
Name: Kira
Sex: Female
Kind: Southern Flying Squirrel
Home: St. Louis
Life History: 6 months old from a breeder in Texas.
Physical Description and Personality: healthy
Owner: Dr. Debra Plahn
Name: Kiwi
Sex: Female
Kind: Southern Flying Squirrel
Home: St. Louis
Life History: Kiwi was given to her owner as an approximately 8
month old juvenile (was to be sold to a pet store, but she is too old to bond
and be a good pet without a lot of patience)
Physical Description and Personality: Healthy
Owner: Dr. Debra Plahn
Name: Lightening
Sex: Male
Kind: Fox Squirrel
Home: West Monroe, Louisiana
Life History:
Lightening is a new squirrel for Jennifer, the owner. He was sick and either
fell or was pushed from his nest
at around 4 weeks old. Jennifer's sister's dog got him and she rescued him but
left him for dead on the carport over night. When she checked the next
morning, he was alive, so she called Jennifer. She took him to school with her
feeding him soy baby formula with a syringe and when he was still alive at
3:00, she had to take him to the vet. A shot and some antibiotics and a week
later, he was a new squirrel!!
Physical description/Personality:
Jennifer has been told by several people that he will be mean when he gets
bigger, but she don't believe it. He sits in
her hand or on her shoulder and eats from the bottle, he comes running when he
hears her voice and "cherbals" at me trying to talk. He LOVES his belly to be
scratched and is very well mannered, well, most of the time anyway....*L*
Owner: Jennifer
Name: Lilly
Sex: Female
Kind: Prevost Squirrel
Home: Port Charlotte, FL
Life History: Bought from a pet shop at age 4 weeks. Her eyes were
just open. She required frequent feedings so she went to work with her new
"mom" every day. She was very social and loved to scamper around the office
(with the door closed!) She was born Dec. 4, 1996 so she is about 17 months old
now. She is still friendly most of the time, but she prefers to run araound the
house so she squirms alot when you hold her. She will settle down and sleep
under the covers with her mom all night if she is invited. Nights are the best
time for handling. She has also actually attacked a few people over the last 9
months (including owner) and is capable of making a really serious bloody mess
of an arm in a second or too. Don't know what triggers these attacks. She has
flown to several other towns in a pouch with her mom on vacation, but is
starting to get too aggressive for her to be comfortable doing this much more
unless she can figure out a way to tame her back down a little. She and her mom
are friends but she isn't too interested in other people anymore and with the
attacking she has done, her mom is leary of letting others handle her.
Physical Description and Personality: Absolutely beautiful. She is
plump and tri-colored. Her underside is reddish brown from her chin to her
backside and her upperside is black with a black tail. The 2 colors are
separated by a white stripe (like pinstriping on a car). She is smaller than
our gray squirrels and her tail is sparcer and has a curl in it so that it
doesn't look bushy like the gray squirrels.
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